The Som jamb peg from KMT Jaipur

As mentioned in the "Where to buy" page the two most affordable machines would be the traditional French jamb peg and the Som jamb peg, the Som being almost identical with my machines. I have never used the traditional French jamb peg so will stay with what I know about, which is the Israeli style modern jamb peg. I now have a Som desktop machine, so no more guesswork as to how good the Som is.

The most important aspect of these machines are that the quadrant numbers are easy to read, and the machine can easily be setup to cut perfect meet points, and if you go about it the right way repeatability is great.  I can find no fault with the quadrant. 
KMT have fixed the dopstick issue, I have just tried their new dops and had no issues at all so no more problems.

For a newbie SOM user the lack of a rounding pre-former will make things a bit harder. I hope they will come up with something simple that will be supplied with the machine, this will then become a very complete user friendly machine. All other shapes, ovals, cushions, pear etc. can be done by eye. There is no transfer block, read more about this on previous pages. The base is solid, speed control is working fine but time will tell. KMT gives a lifetime warranty to all the mechanical parts and 6 months on the electronics.

Setting up the machine is important, because if it's not done correctly you are not going to get perfect meets and probably a frustrating experience. Everything I have written on the previous pages about the jamb peg applies to the Som.

At the time of writing this I have cut 20+ stones without a problem, machine performed perfectly, gave me perfect meets.

 I would have no hesitation in recommending the Som to anyone interested  in trying their hand at cutting with the jamb peg. It's not hard, as the SOM is a very user friendly machine. I will keep updating this page as I get to use the machine more.

The KMT Som

The Israeli IF-10

This is the modern jamb peg I will be comparing the Som with

Som desktop jamb peg

The KMT Som

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Ready to unpack

Well packed Som

The Som came very well packed

Well packed Som

Finally reached the machine

Well packed Som

A look underneath the base

Well packed Som

Unpacked and getting setup

Well packed Som

Machine could be used in this configuration, not very comfortable 

Well packed Som

This is what we want, machine at the right height, get this right and we can sit and cut all day

Well packed Som

I cut the bench down to the height required, added sides and a cut out to fit over the base top, so ready to go.

Well packed Som

Rear view of the Som machine in use. The padded arm rest is at the level of the lap. this works fine for me.

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